Dog grooming done differently.
Asheville's only one-on-one holistic grooming salon. We specialize in reducing dog's anxiety and improving their care and comfort.
Your dog's comfort comes first.
We understand that every dog is unique and that their personality and life experiences affect how they will experience grooming. Whether your pet is a brand new puppy, a sensitive senior, a nervous Nellie, or anything in between, we have the compassion and expertise to help them enjoy their grooming experience.
Our workers deserve the best.
Every worker deserves the right to a minimum salary of living wage, and we encourage tipping for excellent work. Respecting each staff member's right to self-expression, including personal style, gender identity, and cultural heritage, is imperative. Our workers have the right to set boundaries. This includes providing mental health days and allowing them to set the limits that they feel comfortable with for each individual client.
Education is imperative.
Our staff take the role of the educator, both in educating your dog in desensitization procedures and in communicating to you what your dog is communicating to us about their grooming experience. We want our clients to be happy, but we want our four-legged clients happy first. Every staff member receives extensive training in gentle handling techniques, the Pawsitive grooming experience, and quality styling.
L.E.G.S.® Applied Ethology Certified